10 Reasons Why You Should Swim Every Day For Lifeguard Training

Without a doubt, swimming is one of the physical activities that has the most benefits for humans. This is because swimming for lifeguarding mainly involves the use of the body's extremities, which has positive consequences on our health. Therefore, when swimming, all groups move in a coordinated way, in addition to improving resistance, being an aerobic sport. So here we present 10 benefits of swimming.

1. Delays the aging process

It has been proven that swimming is a great help in combating the aging process. Although the latter is impossible to avoid, swimming can significantly delay their development, helping us to stay young.

2. It helps to increase our motor capacity

Thanks to the type of activity that has to be carried out when swimming, our body is more alert, as well as our motor capacity increases. As we know, swimming involves coordinating our limbs and breathing. Likewise, swimming helps us to have a better balance and to have a more efficient and faster reaction time.

3. Improves memory

Another of the benefits of swimming for lifeguard training is that said activity or exercise improves our memory. Among other things, this is due to the breathing exercises that are put into practice when swimming, which oxygenate the brain in a better way, in addition to the fact that motor coordination causes our brain to create new neural loops.

4. Burn more calories

Being an extremely complete exercise, swimming is one of the best options to burn larger amounts of calories. Of course, this is because the water makes our extremities have to exert more effort to move. This means that our muscles work five to six times more than on land. Swimming allows us to burn up to 600 calories in an hour.

5. It makes our body more resistant

Swimming makes our body more resistant because, on the one hand, it helps us develop a much greater lung capacity. Obviously, this means that when swimming we acquire a greater capacity for anaerobic resistance. On the other hand, swimming has an impact on strengthening our bones, so our body in general is much stronger.

6. Gives greater flexibility

Another very important benefit that swimming provides us is the elasticity and flexibility of our body. Thanks to the fact that we use our extremities to practice it, swimming allows us to have greater mobility, exercising the joints. As a result, we gain greater flexibility, in turn increasing our range of motion.

7. Promotes the proper functioning of the cardiorespiratory system

As we have already mentioned, swimming helps us strengthen our breathing. When we swim we need to do breathing exercises, which have a positive effect on our body. Mainly, this causes a greater lung capacity and that our brain is oxygenated.

8. Eliminates back pain

Currently, many specialists recommend hydrotherapy to cure certain conditions, especially muscle pain. One of the most beneficial areas in this regard is the back: constant swimming can reduce or cure back pain and increase its flexibility. Likewise, swimming is also used in therapies for people with motor problems.

9. Improves circulation

Swimming is also beneficial for the circulatory system. When we swim, every organ in our body receives a light massage, which activates the blood and makes us feel better. Therefore, swimming or swimming is a perfect exercise for those who suffer from circulatory problems such as varicose veins. In this sense, swimming has rapid effects on our lower extremities, allowing us to be even more agile and tone that part of our body.


10. It's relaxing

Finally, swimming is a relaxing activity or exercise. When we swim, our muscles exert a lot of effort, so they tense up. In the end, this process causes the same muscles to relax and rest, giving us a feeling of lightness and well-being. But our muscles are not the only beneficiaries. Our mind also relaxes when we swim, mainly due to the breathing exercises that are performed. Likewise, like any other physical activity, swimming whets our appetite, helping us to stay in shape and tone our muscles.

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