This is why you should include swimming in your exercise routine

 Basically anyone can swim. And even if you may not be much of a water lover, you should really consider why you haven't included swimming in your exercise routine yet. A workout in the water combines strength training with cardio, working all your muscles and bringing a lot of health benefits too with lifeguard  training 

1. It helps against a winter dip

During the dark and cold months, you may not really be a sunshine yourself. But you will see that a dip in the water will make that bad mood disappear like snow in the sun. According to a study in the People's Journal of Scientific Research , lap swimming is similar to yoga when it comes to reducing anxiety. Bring on that 'swimmers high'.

2. It improves your other workouts

Swimming training can also boost your performance during other sports. For example, a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport has shown that your running capacity increases by six percent if you also include swimming training in your sports routine. And that after only twelve sessions! Swimming also makes your body a lot more flexible, which comes in handy during your yoga class.

3. Your body recovers better

Had a grueling hiit class? Go for a swim workout and you will see that you recover like the weederga. Due to the low impact on your joints, a swimming session can also ensure that injuries pass more quickly. You can keep moving, without having to worry about doing more damage.

4. It works meditatively

You can use swimming training as a relaxation moment. You literally immerse yourself in an oasis of peace by being underwater. You can let go of everything that is happening out there while focusing on your breathing and movements. Just like during a meditation session, actually with lifeguarding training usa

5. You burn a mountain of calories with it

If you were still looking for workouts that burn a lot of calories, you've come to the right place with swimming! A half-hour swimming session is enough to burn 200 to 350 calories. That half hour equals an hour of exercise on dry land!

6. It improves the rest of your cardio

Of course, if you want to become a better runner, it seems logical to put on your kicks and hit the road. But swimming can also help you! Not only will you train your glutes, thighs and hamstrings, your body will also be able to handle more because you can only breathe briefly during the distances you cover.

Are you already out of breath after running five kilometers? Then swimming is a good solution: the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport has shown that your running capacity increases by six percent after just 12 pool sessions.

7. It's good for your mood

All forms of exercise activate the production of endorphins, which boosts your mood. But swimming is also good for reducing stress – the People's Journal of Scientific Research claims that swimming is comparable to yoga in reducing anxiety over a 12-week period. Bad mood or a lot of stress? Take a dip!

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